


Open-source software, Libraries, Commercial Development, Software Management


In the evolving landscape of digital libraries, the integration of Open-Source Software (OSS) presents a compelling avenue for enhancing service efficiency while curbing operational costs. This paper delves into the alignment of open-source principles with the foundational goals of libraries, underscoring the pivotal role of OSS in democratizing access to information and safeguarding intellectual property. Amidst the plethora of software options available for library management, the paper emphasizes the necessity of discerning the suitability of OSS for digital library applications, a decision critical to the continued growth and success of the open-source paradigm. The research extends beyond previous studies by offering a nuanced exploration of the functional and commercial benefits and drawbacks of OSS as perceived by management within the ESSS sector. It highlights the technical merits of OSS, such as enhanced reliability, security, and performance, attributed to the ability to scrutinize and modify the source code–advantages that notably surpass those offered by proprietary counterparts. The study also identifies parallel gains in the business domain, including the avoidance of vendor lock-in and the fostering of collaboration and innovation, which resonate with the technical benefits. The investigation reveals that certain technical challenges previously associated with OSS, such as compatibility issues and user-friendliness, do not pose significant obstacles for practitioners. Conversely, the study uncovers that the business disadvantages linked to OSS, although mirroring the technical concerns, present more substantial hurdles. In conclusion, the paper contributes a comprehensive assessment of the advantages and risks associated with the adoption of OSS in commercial development, offering valuable insights for practitioners and decision-makers in the realm of digital library services. It underscores the importance of balancing the technical and commercial considerations to harness the full potential of OSS, thereby shaping a future where open-source solutions are integral to the infrastructure of information access and preservation.


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How to Cite

Хамбір, В. Р. (2024). ADVANTAGES AND RISKS OF USING OPEN-SOURCE LIBRARIES IN COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 70-85.

