


natural food dyes; synthetic food dyes; dyes; extracts; color; pomace; black elder; infusion, biologically active substances; extraction


The information presented in the article is a fragment of scientific research. The paper presents a study of the influence of technological factors on the release of dyes from black elder pomace. In previous sources, it was established that factors such as temperature, duration of infusion/extraction, particle size of plant material, hydromodulus and pH of the medium significantly affect the extraction of pigments. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to establish the optimal infusion parameters of black elderberry pomace. Research of raw materials was carried out in the laboratory of the Department of Food Technologies of the Sumy National Agrarian University. Black elderberry was collected in the territory of the Sumy region in 2023 at the stage of full ripeness. Quality control of raw materials was carried out according to physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters. To simulate industrial production, juice was squeezed from elderberries, and the juice was used for research. To inactivate the enzymes, fresh elderberries were treated with a solution of citric acid and dried at a temperature of (50±5ºС) for 6 hours to a dry matter content of (30.8±0.5%). The process of infusion depends on a number of factors that affect the extraction of pigment. Therefore, the work included each influencing factor separately, namely: temperature (t), ºС, duration (τ), min; particle size (a), mm; concentration of citric acid (c), %. Increasing the temperature and duration of infusion increases the efficiency of pigment extraction. The optimal infusion conditions are a temperature of 60-70 ºС; duration 120–180 min. The addition of citric acid stabilizes the color and pigment content to reduce ambient levels. The maximum value of coloring substances is achieved when citric acid is introduced in the amount (1 – 1.3%) of the total mass. Reducing the particle size of elderberry extracts helps to increase the concentration of coloring substances. As the size of the particles decreases, the surface area of the extracts increases, which leads to an increase in the contact between the solvent and the dyes. The largest concentration of dyes is in the size of particles 0.1 mm – 0.2 mm, but at the same time there is a change in the partial color change from red to brown, the latter color is affected by crushed berry stones. Therefore, the temperature was determined by the optimal infusion conditions, namely: (t), 60-70 ºС; duration (τ), 120–180 min; particle size (a), 0.5-0.4 mm and citric acid concentration (c), 1-1.3%.


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How to Cite

Ярмош, Т. А., & Перцевой, Ф. В. (2024). STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS ON THE RELEASE OF COLORING SUBSTANCES FROM BLACK ELDER PRESSES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 151-163.