assortment management; inventory; ABC-XYZ analysis; data mining; forecasting.Abstract
In the current conditions of market instability and high demand volatility, commercial organizations face significant challenges in managing their assortment and inventory. Traditional inventory management approaches often do not provide the necessary flexibility and adaptability to changes, which can result in inefficient resource utilization and the loss of competitive advantage. The aim of this work is to propose an effective algorithm for evaluating, analyzing, and managing the assortment, and for improving inventory management efficiency by combining mathematical-statistical analysis, data mining methods, and linear forecasting. The study is based on a commercial organization with an extensive network of wholesale and retail stores. The proposed approach consists of several stages, including the classification of products based on their importance to the business (ABC analysis) and the stability of demand (XYZ analysis). Based on the results, an assortment matrix is created, grouping products using the decision tree method. The final stage outlines a procurement forecasting model that takes into account demand dynamics, seasonality, and other external factors. This multi-level approach not only reduces storage costs but also ensures uninterrupted customer demand fulfillment. The article emphasizes that using individual methods of assortment and inventory management separately, without specialized algorithms, may not deliver the expected results. This work is dedicated to solving specific challenges related to improving assortment and inventory management by integrating analytical methods into effective algorithms. The practical application of the algorithm demonstrated its effectiveness in real-world conditions, allowing the organization to respond flexibly to market changes and mitigate risks associated with stock shortages or surpluses. The results indicate that the integration of data mining techniques into inventory management processes can significantly enhance decisionmaking quality and promote more rational use of working capital. The prospects for further research include expanding the algorithm's capabilities for application in other industries, taking into account specific market conditions.
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