


Perlin Noise, Improved Noise, Simplex Noise, Diamond-Square, Fractal Noise, procedural generation, game development, location creation.


Computer games have become an essential part of modern culture and entertainment. One of the key elements influencing the player's perception of a game is the game world where the events unfold. With the growth of the gaming industry and the increasing popularity of video games, there is a need for rapid creation of new game worlds. In this context, the application of procedural generation algorithms proves useful, as they allow for the automatic creation of game environments with specific characteristics. Procedural generation of game worlds is a method that enables the creation of diverse game environments using algorithms and random processes. Today, various procedural generation algorithms exist, such as noise generation algorithms, fractal geometry, and cellular automata. The purpose of this research is to analyze algorithms, methods, and approaches to procedural generation of 3D game worlds, describe their operation, and identify their unique features. The study examined algorithms such as Perlin Noise, Improved Noise, Simplex Noise, Diamond-Square, and Fractal Noise. The chosen evaluation criteria included performance speed, generation quality, and memory efficiency. The quality of generation was assessed in terms of the realism and variety of the generated locations. For games where landscape generation speed is crucial, Simplex Noise and Diamond-Square are more suitable. While Diamond-Square is easy to implement, it is less flexible for large worlds. If a highly detailed map is required, Fractal Noise is the best choice, though it demands significant computational resources. For creating interesting and diverse game worlds, it is better to combine several algorithms, for instance, one for creating the base landscape and another for adding detail. Procedural generation algorithms allow the creation of vast, detailed worlds with minimal manual intervention, significantly saving time and resources while making the game more interactive and unpredictable.


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How to Cite

Марчук, Г. В., Левківський, В. Л., Харченко, А. В., & Марчук, Д. К. (2024). REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF PROCEDURAL GAME WORLD GENERATION ALGORITHMS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 101-110.

