


hemp oil, bakery products, bread


The article provides information on the most important tasks facing the food industry of Ukraine. The scientific works devoted to research of influence of various kinds of raw materials on organoleptic indicators of quality of wheat bread are analyzed. The researches of the scientists directed on studying of influence of vegetable fats and oils on a human body and definition of norms of their consumption in a daily diet are analyzed, their role in vital activity of an organism is specified. The scientific literature and the results of domestic and foreign studies to determine the nutritional and biological value of hemp seeds as a raw material for vegetable oil are analyzed. An analysis of the nutritional and biological value of hemp seeds showed that it contains 25% protein, 31% fat and 34% carbohydrates. Hemp seeds contain 20 amino acids, of which 8 are essential (they are not synthesized in the human body). Hemp seeds contain a large number of vitamins E, C, D, K, B vitamins, as well as carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), macro-and micronutrients (iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, sulfur, chlorine, etc.). The influence of hemp oil, which was added in different dosages to the recipe of wheat bread, on its quality in order to obtain a valuable product with high nutritional value, dietary and health nature due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids in hemp oil was studied. The recipe is developed and the assessment of organoleptic indicators of wheat bread quality is carried out and the change of its organoleptic quality indicators is investigated. As a result of the study of organoleptic quality indicators of wheat bread made with different dosages of hemp oil in the recipe, it was found that the quality of wheat bread with the introduction of hemp oil in the amount of 34–68 g does not deteriorate, but remains high. An increase in hemp oil above 68 g in the recipe leads to a deterioration of its taste, color, crust. Thus, in the production of wheat bread with hemp oil, you can use oil in quantities up to 68 g.


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How to Cite

Резвих, Н. (2021). ANALYSIS OF ORGANOLOPTIC QULITY INDICATORS OF WHEAT BREAD WHITH HIGHT NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (5), 24-31.