


pumpkin solution, packaging, physical and chemical parameters, shelf life, biopolymer film, nanosilver


Social and economic evolution, including changes in consumer demand, improved living standards, increased industrial production, evolving retail practices, new marketing objectives and changes in consumer lifestyles, are the main forces driving the evolution of new and innovative packaging methods. These factors lead to the need to develop packaging that not only meets current requirements, but also takes into account future trends. The main goals of packaging are to ensure the safety and quality of food products, as well as to extend their shelf life. Modern packaging has evolved from simple storage methods to complex aspects such as convenience for the consumer, ensuring the integrity of the package during transportation and storage, effective marketing at the point of sale, reducing the consumption of materials and resources, improving food safety and taking into account environmental issues. This includes the introduction of new materials that are more environmentally friendly, technologies that reduce waste and energy costs, and innovative approaches to packaging that meet today's sustainability and efficiency standards. The article describes the results of research on the influence of different types of packaging on the physical and chemical properties of pumpkin seeds during storage. The results of the study show that PLA-PCL (80/20)Ag packaging was the most effective for preserving the quality of pumpkin seeds, ensuring the stability of physicochemical parameters over a long period. The oil content and moisture content of pumpkin seeds were also studied and a conclusion was made about their stability regardless of the type of packaging. These results are important for industrial producers and agricultural enterprises that pack and store pumpkin seeds. From the obtained results of the physical and chemical indicators of pumpkin seeds, it was established that all the obtained indicators meet the requirements of DSTU 5046:2008 «Seeds of watermelon, melon, pumpkin. Cultivation technology. Substantive provisions».


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How to Cite

Маринін, А. І., Святненко, Р. С., Шевченко, О. Ю., Гармаш, Д. В., Демченко, В. Л., & Рибальченко, Н. П. (2024). THE USE OF ANTIMICROBIAL PACKAGING FOR STORING PUMPKIN SEEDS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 118-127.