


organic products, lemongrass confectionery, non-traditional raw materials


Unconventional raw materials can improve the nutritional and biological value of flour confectionery. Organic products are becoming especially popular, it leads to the search for new recipes for their creation. The article examines lemongrass, crushed and sifted, Starwest Botanicals (USA). Analysis of literature sources shows that the energy value of lemongrass is – 99 kcal per 100 grams. Nutritional value: protein – 1.82 g; fats – 0.49 g (of which: saturated – 0.119 g; monounsaturated – 0.054 g; polyunsaturated – 0.17 g); carbohydrates – 25.31 g. Water content – 70.58 g of water, ash – 1.8 g. The article studies the organoleptic characteristics by sensory analysis, vitamin and mineral composition by the calculation method. Copper, zinc, lead and cadmium were determined by the atomic absorption method, arsenic by the colorimetric method, and mercury by the flameless atomic absorption method. It is established that the addition of lemongrass to flour confectionery recipes can improve their organoleptic properties, giving a spicy taste and aroma. Lemongrass has a citrus fresh lemon-ginger aroma and lemon flavor. Lemongrass contains a significant amount of folic acid (vitamin B9). The degree of satisfaction of the daily need for it from the consumption of 100 g of lemongrass is 37.5%. Lemongrass also contains a significant amount of vitamin PP and is able to meet 7.33% of daily needs. Lemongrass contains a significant amount of vitamin C, but due to its thermolability, the use of lemongrass to enrich flour confectionery is limited to fillings. Lemongrass in sufficient quantities is able to meet the daily requirement of potassium (28.93%), as well as magnesium (12.00%). In the test sample, the level of lead is 5 times lower than the permissible norm, cadmium is twice lower, and the content of arsenic, mercury and copper is also lower than the maximum allowable limits. All these data indicate the prospects for the use of organic lemongrass to flour confectionery. Further research is planned to create new recipes for organic flour products with the addition of lemongrass.


Інформаційно-пошуковий сайт. URL: (Дата звернення: 01.06.2022 р.)

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How to Cite

Ткаченко, А. С. (2022). PROSPECTS OF USING OF ORGANIC LEMONGRASS IN RECIPES OF FLOUR CONFECTIONERY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 175-181.