



yogurt, yogurt dessert, properties, vegetable raw materials, pistachio flour


Yogurt occupies a significant part of the dairy products market and is prepared by lactic acid fermentation of milk. It is known that yogurt has high nutritional value and contains proteins, fat and essential minerals. The main purpose of buying a dairy product is to maintain health, and the main requirements for a quality dairy product are functional properties, storage stability and low calorie content. Consumption of fermented milk products, especially yoghurts, is very popular not only in Ukraine but also all over the world. Therefore, the enrichment of the composition of this category of products is quite relevant. In order to improve the taste properties, high nutritional and biological value and thick non-flowing consistency in the production of yoghurts, a wide range of flavorings, fillers, flavors, stabilizers are used. The introduction of vegetable raw materials in yogurt will not only expand the range, but also use this product in various food rations, including for the prevention of certain types of diseases, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, physiological processes in the human body and preventing premature aging. Cereal products, especially those derived from wheat and corn, are the main sources of energy for people in the world. However, processed cereals are deficient in essential amino acids. Among the foods of plant origin, nuts, as confirmed by epidemiological and/or clinical studies, play a beneficial role for human health in the prevention of several diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cancer. Pistachios are characterized by lower fat and energy content than other nuts, but the content of some vitamins and certain minerals is the highest. In addition, pistachios are rich in lysine. The aim of the study is an analytical review of the chemical composition and properties of plant raw materials with the further aim of developing a yogurt dessert. A fine powder based on vegetable raw materials – pistachio flour – was used as a test material. Enrichment of yoghurts with vegetable raw materials will provide the product with proteins, fats, complex polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals of plant origin.


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How to Cite

Калініна, Г. П., Крижак, Л. М., & Іваніщева, О. А. (2023). RATIONALE FOR THE CHOICE OF PLANT RAW MATERIALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOGURT DESSERT. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 68-73. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.6.9