


fermented milk products, bifidobacteria, probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, health food


According to the modern concept of healthy nutrition, based on the theory of balanced nutrition, the body's needs for energy, nutrients, biological and physiologically valuable substances that a person should receive from food vary depending on age, gender, the physiological state of the body and physical activity. All this leads to a decrease in immunity, impaired digestive functions, an increase in the number of people suffering from allergies, diabetes mellitus and other diseases that are associated with metabolic disorders in the human body. Therefore, a balanced and healthy diet is an important condition for the optimal physical and mental development of a person, maintaining his long-term performance, and increasing the body’s ability to withstand the effects of adverse environmental factors. A nutritious and healthy diet is one of the most important conditions for preserving human life and health. The development of new functional products that can improve human health, prolong their working capacity and life expectancy is one of the current directions in the development of food science in Ukraine and the world. Particular attention is paid to the issue of improving the intestinal microflora, which plays an important role in restoring impaired metabolic processes in the body and strengthening human health. For the normal functioning of the body and ensuring the active functioning of a person, it is necessary to provide complete, balanced food. The basic requirements of such food products are based on the use of natural raw materials with a high content of biologically active and physiologically necessary substances, such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, phenolic compounds, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


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How to Cite

Соломон, А. М., Слободяник, І. С., & Коваль, Є. (2024). PROMISING DIRECTIONS OF PROBIOTIC COMPOSITION IN THE PRODUCTION OF PRODUCTS WITH FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 186-192.