


merchandising, restaurant industry, components of merchandising systems, functioning of enterprises, innovative technologies, the atmosphere of the institution,storcek, marketing, competitiveness, merchandising team, consumer demand, trade establishment brand


The article examines theoretical and methodical issues, as well as the principles of merchandising in the field of trade and its component – the restaurant industry in modern business conditions. The theoretical concept of the technology of merchandising implementations, which are of significant importance for improving the results of marketing and economic indicators in the work of enterprises of the industry in modern conditions, is revealed. The purpose of using merchandising tools and its research is to improve the functioning of enterprises that currently operate in conditions of high competition, in difficult economic conditions and in most cases with insufficiently highly professional service personnel. At the same time, merchandising aims to improve the company’s position relative to its competitors, reduce costs, increase the degree of consumer satisfaction with the products of restaurant enterprises, increase the economic efficiency of the operation of the establishment and strengthen its competitive position in the country. Also, determine the needs of the enterprise, exactly in which direction of its activity changes are primarily needed, which can significantly affect the result of the activity; evaluate social, material, economic indicators to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, determine how voluminous merchandising recommendations should be. Also in order to improve the image and establish the brand of the trade establishment, to provide new ideas and proposals that will contribute to the successful functioning of enterprises in the industry. Today, the trade industry, including restaurants, has stable indicators despite the state of war. Even in the difficult times of the country’s existence, the food industry did not lose its indicators because the need for food is the primary need for the existence of humanity. Therefore, the attention of the country’s population to restaurant establishments of various formats and concepts has not decreased. The methods and processes of researching the competitiveness of enterprises in the restaurant industry are constantly subject to significant changes. Recent, best-in-class innovative technologies in the socio-cultural space of the modern restaurant business are quickly becoming the standard. For example, such innovative technologies as "HT technologies", "Electronic menu", "QR-code and marketing opportunities" were new offers not so long ago, and today in most enterprises it is the standard of service for guests of the establishment. Already introduced innovative technologies are replaced by new ones such as "Co-branding", which is a symbiosis of two different areas of business, where a guest can not only eat, but also do his own business, watch movies, as well as the introduction of robots in institutions that replace waiters, bartenders porters For example, "front of the house" robots work with guests, and "back of the house" robots work in the kitchen. Also, due to active actions and merchandising offers, such types of innovations as "Contactless payment", "Chatbots" which are a trend in the restaurant business all over the world, this program simulates the communication of a guest with a real person, are being carried out. And such an innovation as the "Augmented Reality Menu" is considered the newest restaurant that is just entering the market, so it can pleasantly surprise guests and become a business card of the establishment. Merchandising plays a big role in the implementation of new types of innovations in restaurant industry enterprises that meet the requirements of the time. The activity of which is aimed at providing an opportunity for each individual enterprise to independently determine for itself what type of innovation will be best for it, both from an economic point of view – implementation costs, and from a social point of view – improving the quality of guest service and the atmosphere of the establishment. And in such a perspective aimed at increasing the economic potential of enterprises and improving the quality of the level of service in accordance with international standards and classes of enterprises, merchandising should act not once, but constantly. Therefore, this publication examines the components of the merchandising system and their role in shaping the competitiveness of restaurant establishments at the current stage of the industry’s development.


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How to Cite

Матюшенко, Р. В., & Польовик, В. В. (2024). TECHNOLOGIES OF MERCHANDISE IN THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 166-176.