intake, well, submersible pump, water level, sealing, capillary tubeAbstract
The paper presents the results of research on the possibility of solving the complex problem of maintaining the effective and stable operation of underground water intake systems and vertical drainage wells, which consists in the contamination of filters and the near-filter zone with clogging products, which leads to a drop in flow rate and the failure of the well. The results of studies known in the practice of water supply and protection of territories with vertical drainage, aimed at solving the problem of unclogging filters of water intake wells to restore flow and increase the inter-repair period, were analyzed. It has been proven that the most economical and effective solution to the stated problem is not the constant increase in the volume of drilling operations, but the mass introduction into everyday practice of the effective technology of restoring the efficiency of old wells. This can be helped by the development of a complex mechanical device that will reduce the degree of manifestation of the process of clogging of filters of water intake wells directly in the body of the casing, by creating a vacuum environment without the involvement of vacuum pumps. In this case, the submersible pump will act as a vacuum pump. To implement such an idea, a theoretical justification of technical solutions was carried out, in which two tasks are considered: 1) to create complete sealing of the well; 2) develop a design where the submersible pump will simultaneously perform the functions of a water lift and a vacuum pump. As a result of the research, a device was developed that refers to hydraulic engineering and can be used in water supply, hydromelioration during groundwater extraction and was named a device for protecting a submersible pump from dry running. The use of a device to protect the submersible pump from dry running allows to reduce the cost of regeneration of low-flow wells, due to the absence of dismantling the structural parts of the well, the equipment and equipment installed in it, which allows you to significantly reduce operating costs.
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