energy-saving technologies, construction, houses, thermal energy, foreign experienceAbstract
The article offers options for the use of energy-saving technologies in construction, namely on the example of buildings. The problem of energy saving in Ukraine and the world is presented. The problem is related to the shortage of basic energy resources, the growing cost of their production, as well as global environmental problems. It is proposed to divide modern energysaving technologies into several types: energy-saving technologies in production; energy-saving technologies in transport; energy-saving technologies of individual consumption; energy-saving technologies of general consumption. The main directions and methods of energy saving are presented. Data tables with indicators of thermal energy consumption by types of buildings in Ukraine were analyzed. The analysis of energy efficiency in the countries of the European Union was carried out. Information is given about active houses that appeared in Ukraine thanks to the Law on "green" tariff. The concept of zero waste is presented, zero waste does not mean the absence of household waste, but the possibility of dismantling the building without harming the environment. Construction materials that belong to ecological raw materials – wood, stone, glass concrete – are presented. To date, there are more than 100 implemented projects of active houses in the world. Ahead of the whole planet, of course, are economical Europeans (33 houses), 30 active houses were built in the USA, more than 20 in Latin America, more than 10 in Canada, and the same number of modest ones in Asia and Australia combined. An active house with a positive energy balance is a building that receives energy from the environment, with the help of alternative sources, in an amount that exceeds its own needs. The principle of designing an active house is presented, which begins with the study of the area, in particular: relief; climate (humidity, light regime, directions and speeds of air flows); air composition and the presence of chemically aggressive substances in it.
Концепція національної екологічної політики України на період до 2030 року.
Згуровський М.З. Україна в глобальних вимірах сталого розвитку / Дзеркало тижня, № 19. 2006 р.
Регіональна інвестиційна політика енергозбереження : (монографія) / М. А. Вознюк; НАН України, Ін-т регіон. дослідж. ім. М.І. Долішнього. Львів, 2015. 413 с.