information technology, seaports, cyber attacks, software, viruses, DDoS attacks, phishing, cyber security, consequences, risks, cyber protectionAbstract
The development of information technologies in seaports in the last few decades has also led to the development of various ways to illegally influence these information technologies with the help of cyber attacks, the number of which is increasing every year. To counter these threats, you need to know as much as possible about cyber attacks. This article analyzes the cyber attacks experienced by seaports around the world in recent years. The statistics of the increase in the number of cyber attacks for a recent short period in the past (2017-2020) are presented. The main problems of port vulnerability to cyber attacks were considered. The main types of cyber attacks were also presented: DDoS attacks, attacks on SCADA systems, the most specific attention was paid to malicious software and viruses, and to phishing and social engineering, examples with their descriptions and consequences were given. After that, the main consequences of such cyber attacks were deduced, and based on all these data given above, the most effective means to counter cyber attacks on seaports were deduced, special attention was paid to the components that make up the cyber security of seaports, descriptions and existing examples were given. In the end, on the basis of all the analyzed and subordinated data regarding cyber attacks, a comprehensive scheme of cyber security of seaports was developed, which contains nine main components that represent key aspects of cyber security, which, in turn, combine several means of countering cyber attacks. All this represents a complex of general cyber protection of seaports, starting from physical protection to compliance and risk management. Based on this, we can conclude that the future of the port infrastructure depends on the ability to adapt to the new challenges of cyberspace. Only joint efforts and continuous improvement of security measures can guarantee the sustainability and security of seaports in the rapidly changing digital world.
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