distance learning, GeoGebra, graphical and analytical tasks, hydrology, hydrometryAbstract
Today, the use of information technology in the educational process of higher education institutions has become commonplace. At ONMU, distance learning is carried out using the Moodle LMS, which can be safely called the most popular in the world. The GeoGebra software package can be used as an integral part of this platform. The article discusses the advantages of using the GeoGebra system in the study of engineering disciplines in a distance mode on the example of teaching the course ‘Hydrology and Hydrometry’ for students of speciality 194 ‘Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies’ at Odesa National Maritime University. Particular attention was paid to aspects of practical use of GeoGebra in solving graph-analytical problems. The GeoGebra software connects algebraic, geometric and tabular representations of the problem, which allows you to create a visual solution. This approach promotes the development of visual and creative thinking of students and is very convenient for conducting interactive practical classes, which is important in distance learning. The use of GeoGebra in solving storytelling and applied problems promotes the development of students' creative and intellectual activity. It allows you to visualise mathematical concepts, which makes it easier to understand complex topics. GeoGebra also supports interactive models that students can modify in real time, which helps to deepen learning and develop critical thinking skills. GeoGebra's compatibility with the Moodle LMS allows you to check the file with students' calculations directly in Moodle, which is very convenient for the teacher for control and assessment. In addition, GeoGebra integrates with Moodle, allowing you to save the status of completed tasks, track student progress, which significantly increases the efficiency of the learning process and facilitates the management of educational materials.
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