biotechnology, food products, production, raw materials, innovations, environmental solutions, product qualityAbstract
The article discusses current issues of biotechnologies in the modern food industry, their development and role in the production of food products. The production of food products and beverages is based on the processing of raw materials, mainly by agriculture. The development of biotechnology has a significant impact on the food industry, helping to create higher quality and sustainable products. These innovations include food production, product quality improvement and the implementation of environmental solutions, which are important in the face of population growth and food needs. Biotechnologies are transforming the food industry, offering innovative solutions for creating high-quality, ecological and safe products. The main areas of biotechnology include: alternative sources of protein (vegetable meat analogues and cultured meat solve the problem of protein deficiency, reduce environmental impact and ensure ethical consumption), fermentation (use of probiotics to maintain health and create natural preservatives to extend expiration date), environmental sustainability (recycling food waste into useful products and reducing the carbon footprint with bio-packaging), GMOs and enriched foods (genetically modified crops increase yield and nutritional value, and enriched foods help fight nutrient deficiencies), future technologies (personalized nutrition based on DNA and 3D printing of food to create unique products). The article examines how biotechnology changes the food industry, what innovations appear on the market and what opportunities they open for the development of the industry. The main task is to get acquainted with the prospects of modern biotechnologies, their possible use and popularization among the population. Also, consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of using such innovative technologies for the production of food products.
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