chicken, marinade, kefir, yogurt, acidity, moisture, qualityAbstract
Expanding the range of chicken meat products in Ukraine is a promising direction for the development of the food industry. Thanks to the combination of favorable macroeconomic conditions, growing consumer demand and technological development, Ukrainian producers have every opportunity to successfully realize this potential. To expand the range of chicken products, it is proposed to use marinades in the form of kefir and yogurt. The use of fermented milk marinades in the production of chicken semi-finished products opens up new prospects for gastronomy and the food industry due to their ability to improve the taste of meat, making it more tender, juicy and adding a pleasant sourness that balances and enriches the taste. In addition, fermented milk bacteria contribute to increasing the biological value of the product, improving the absorption of proteins, vitamins and minerals that are important for the body. Also, such marinades form a protective film on the surface of the meat, which helps prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby extending the shelf life. At the same time, new tastes and aromas obtained thanks to fermented milk marinades significantly expand the range of products, satisfying the requirements of even the most demanding consumers. The use of fermented milk products has a positive effect on health due to their beneficial properties for digestion, which makes chicken semi-finished products more dietary and useful. As a result, the introduction of fermented milk marinades becomes not just a new trend, but an important step towards creating tastier, healthier and more diverse food products. The article describes the feasibility of using the proposed marinades and presents the results of research into the impact of using these marinades on the quality of the finished product. In particular, the impact of using the proposed fermented milk marinades on the quality indicators of the finished product, including acidity, moisture and organoleptic quality indicators, is shown. Conclusions are drawn about the feasibility and prospects of using the proposed marinades.
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