


grape, wine, organoleptic, climate change, profile, taste, descriptor, balance


The study analyzed the impact of climate change on the sensory profile formation of white table wines, particularly those from the Riesling variety. The purpose of the research is to analyze the current organoleptic profile of wines from the Riesling variety in Ukraine and worldwide, produced under conditions of climate change, and to compare their characteristics. The materials included dry table wines from Riesling grapes from different countries (France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine), 2019-2020 vintages. A tasting panel was prepared from a group of experts in accordance with DSTU ISO 8586:2019. Statistical processing of the research results based on the expert evaluations was presented using the profile method for each descriptor separately, applying a confidence interval. Taste descriptor ratings showed minimal variation depending on the tester. However, there was more noticeable variation among experts for aromatic descriptors, particularly for citrus, floral, and herbal notes. The statistical processing of the tasting panel’s work demonstrated a sufficiently high level of preparation and expertise among the experts. Flavor-aromatic profiles were created for Ukrainian and German wines from the Riesling variety. Wines from Riesling grapes grown in Germany were perceived as fresher with more pronounced citrus notes. Ukrainian wines generally had more mature and developed aromas. A low free SO2 content negatively affected the sensory evaluation of Ukrainian wines from the Riesling variety. A comparative characteristic of the sensory profiles of wines from different countries from the Riesling variety was conducted using sensory analysis methods, particularly the authordeveloped "Naoslip" method. It was found that Ukrainian Riesling wines have a sensory profile that significantly differs from their European counterparts, with much lower intensity of primary aromas and near absence of certain clusters present in European counterparts. Additionally, they have lower complexity, shorter aftertaste, and poorer balance. Descriptors for wines produced in European countries correlate with each other, with nearly all typical Riesling descriptors present. The sensory evaluation of wines from the Riesling variety on a 100-point scale showed that the scores for European samples differ from Ukrainian samples by an average of 10 points. In terms of quality levels, wines produced in Ukraine have ratings ranging from average to very good, while European wines range from excellent to outstanding.


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How to Cite

Каменева, Н. В., Веречук, О. А., & Афанасьєва, Т. М. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE MODERN ORGANOLEPTIC PROFILE OF WINE FROM THE GRAPE VARIETY OF RIESLING REYNSKY, PRODUCED IN CONDITIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 187-197.