


combination products, probiotics, dairy soy products, soft cheeses, biologically active substances, functional products


Milk and dairy products are an integral part of every person's diet. But recently, the production and sale of these products in Ukraine has been significantly reduced. This is caused by a large number of factors: a decrease in the number of cows and a raw materials problem, a sharp increase in prices for milk and dairy products, and a lack of investment. Also today, there is a problem with the entry of domestic enterprises into the European market. Cheese production is a long process that depends not only on production capabilities, but also on the state of the country's economic development. High-protein non-traditional soy-based food products have acquired a significant role in the rational nutrition of the population of Ukraine. According to numerous biochemical and medical data, they are beneficial for strengthening the health of infants, children, adults, the elderly, patients with weakened immune systems and other pathologies. After all, they reduce the risk of a number of diseases. According to scientists, this effect largely depends on the methods of processing soybeans into food products. However, in works devoted to the study of the effect of soybean consumption on human health, there is almost no data on the conditions for obtaining such products. In Ukraine, soy products and food additives (milk, meat, bakery, confectionery) are represented mainly by products from imported raw materials, meals, flour, protein concentrates, manufactured using technologies that significantly reduce the content of biologically active substances relative to the composition of soybean seeds. The production of semi-finished products and feed in leading Western countries was initially based on differentiated processing of soybean seeds to obtain vegetable oils, protein isolates and concentrates, vitamins, biologically active additives using multiple processing processes, processing with organic solvents. This leads to the destruction of some biologically active substances, to the need to design individual types of products based on soy protein by adding fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, soluble fiber, flavoring.


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How to Cite

Соломон, А. М. (2024). DIRECTIONS OF CREATION OF COMBINED PRODUCTS IN CHEESE MAKERS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 214-221.