


public administration, development of the region, public relations, development of social organizations, life of the local community, factor of socio-economic development


It is determined that public administration, as the highest type of management activity, is the influence of the subject on public relations in order to streamline, improve and develop, preserve their qualitative specificity. Management “is a property of any society, arising from its systemic nature, the social nature of work, the need for communication between people in the process of work and life, exchange of products, their material and spiritual activities.” The specificity of the theory of public administration is that “as an object here is the activity of the subjects of knowledge. That is, people themselves are the subjects of knowledge, and real actors. In addition, the object of knowledge is also the interaction between the object and the subject of knowledge. In other words, in contrast to other sciences in the very object of the theory of social management is present and the subject of social cognition. It is noted that for any social science that studies society, it is important to clearly define the subject of study of social reality. The author agrees with the widespread opinion in social science that “the subject of science is fixed in experience and included in the process of cognitive activity parties, properties and relationships of objects studied for a particular purpose in these conditions and circumstances. In other words, this is what this science investigates in this object, the whole set of facts, phenomena, processes that it is called to study in it. The social system, as an artificially created whole, has a purpose. More precisely, goal-setting transforms the social system into a social organization that has its own internal and external specifics and logic of development, a certain set of interrelated characteristics and elements. It is important to note that the number of elements in this formula remains open for continuation and clarification in accordance with the specifics of social organization. The process of formation and development of social organizations within certain territorial arrays, in which all the life of the local community takes place, is a complex and ambiguous factor of socio-economic development.


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How to Cite

Литовченко, В., & Пустовойт, Є. (2022). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 104-109.