


public policy, principles of bioethics, transplantation, health care system, public administration bodies


One of the key directions of social and legal development of Ukraine is the field of transplantology, which, like the entire medical field, is going through an important stage of reform and search for ethical and legal solutions to the current challenges of scientific and technological progress. Transplantology is not just a branch of science that deals with the problems of transplantation of organs, tissues or their artificial substitutes. For many people around the world, this is the last ray of hope for the future. That is why public authorities should pay special attention to this area of medicine and regulate its activities in accordance with the principles of bioethics. An unresolved part of the problem of transplantation is to take into account the principles of bioethics in the context of public policy and possible directions for the development of legislation based on it in this area. The proposed study aims to address public administrators at the legislative level to address the anthropological and social problems of transplantation in accordance with the principles of bioethics. The aim of the article is to analyze the state policy in solving the problems of transplantology from the standpoint of bioethics. The problem of organ donation raises questions about the content and value of such a decision. Every action that has the object of the human body does not stop at it, but comprehends the subject of this body, that is, the person in its entirety. No goal justifies the direct destruction of physical life, even if it is the life of another person. The situation is different when it comes to achieving a greater good, such as surviving at the cost of reducing only the effectiveness or quality of another person's health, which would be ethically justified and deserve the approval of the principle of solidarity. Immunological and clinical assessments should be considered in determining the priority of access to organs for transplantation. The criteria for the appointment of donated organs should not be subject to the logic of discrimination or the utilitarian principle. Prospects for further research are to develop measures of public administration to improve the organization of transplantation services on the basis of bioethics.


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How to Cite

Терешкевич, Г. (2022). MECHANISMS OF PUBLIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FIELD OF TRANSPLANTOLOGY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BASIS OF BIOETHICS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (4), 125-141.