historical education, higher education, public administration, quality assurance of higher education, National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher EducationAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of public administration in the field of ensuring the quality of higher historical education in both pre-war and wartime conditions, as well as current prospects for the future. The author paid the main attention to the issues of state guarantees of ensuring the quality of historical higher education through the qualitative process of accreditation by the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education. The main functions of the institution and the first achievements during 2020-2023 were determined. The main attention was paid by the author to the accreditation of the educational programs of specialties 032 History and Archeology and 014 Secondary Education (History), which implement the training of historians. It was found that the vast majority of educational programs have successfully passed the accreditation process, and the training process complies with the Criteria for evaluating the quality of an educational program of the Regulations on the Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Training of Higher Education Applicants (2019). The main problem for educational programs that received «conditional» accreditation was criterion 2 «Structure and content of the educational program», which requires a more responsible arrangement of the educational program for the training of specialists and revision of the main educational components, their logical sequence of teaching, etc., in order to improve the quality of the training of historians. In addition, the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education by its decision recommends strengthening the educational components of the humanitarian direction of educational programs in both historical and non-historical specialties, because they are key in training not only a specialist in a certain field, but also in the formation of national consciousness and civic responsibility. The author also analyzed views on the need to review his role as a historian of Ukrainian scientists. In particular, the main problems of historical science, education and politics raised by Valery Smoliy, Stanislav Kulchytskyi, Hryhoriy Grabovych and others are considered.
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