



system, evolution, development, transformation, economic system, management


The main problems of research of the transformation process of the economic system are the choice of the general theoretical approach and methods of their implementation. The use of a systems approach is the initial stage in the formation of a new scientific paradigm necessary to create an effective structure of the national economy in the course of transformational transformations. The principles of formation of the system paradigm within the framework of evolutionary economic theory are determined and substantiated. It is proved that from the point of view of the system approach the attempt of multifaceted consideration of social and economic formations as complexes having features of technological, economic, social, institutional, biological and other systems is realized. The main object of consideration is socio-economic systems, and the subject - their development, based on the interaction of internal subsystems and the influence of external systems and environments. Research has shown that the system paradigm is adapted to modern conditions of economic research, opens the possibility of creating a structural and functional model of the economy, but the process of modeling the economic system as a component will be characterized by assumptions and simplifications. The components of the transformation of the economic system are evolutionary, reformation and revolutionary. In particular, evolutionary transformation is a continuous process of self-development, the source of which is in the system itself, covers it completely and leads to the gradual formation of system integrity on the basis of emerging contradictions in the system. This transformation can be characterized as a gradual, smooth process that eliminates sharp jumps and bifurcations.


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How to Cite

Потравка, Л. (2021). A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO THE PROBLEMS OF RESEARCHING THE MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 81-87. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-pub.2021.2.10