



quality management system, public administration, medical services, health care, standards of medical care


The article considers the implementation of the quality management system of medical services creates favorable conditions for a significant increase in their level. Increasing the result of the effective operation of the quality management system of medical services can be determined by the following areas of work: development, implementation of standards of medical care, which are responsible for regulating the collection of information about the patient (obtained on the basis of a survey, examination, laboratory, instrumental, hardware examinations); setting the primary, clinical diagnosis; determining the course of treatment; issuance of recommendations for all stages of treatment; improving the qualifications of doctors, conducting seminars for doctors on important issues; analysis of medical errors, conducting systematic seminars with medical personnel for the purpose of analyzing medical errors; payments of allowances to the wages of medical personnel, taking into account the examination; purchase and installation of the necessary equipment to eliminate general (system) errors; monitoring compliance with medical care standards. It is noted that even the best established quality management system can constantly give a positive effect if all its links are regularly improved, processes are optimized in accordance with the requirements of time and market conditions. To a large extent, this refers to the creation of such a situation in the medical team, when each employee strives to constantly improve the quality of customer service. The process of such psychological and motivational reorientation of personnel is not easy and will require a lot of effort and time, but without it, the medical organization is unlikely to be able to take a leading position in the market. Thus, if the goal of the medical organization is to achieve the highest indicators, then the quality management strategy is an effective mechanism that can lead to drastic positive changes. At the same time, one cannot, of course, forget that the achievement of such a goal is complicated by many objective and subjective factors. The implementation of quality management programs in medical organizations of Ukraine is complicated by the habit of manual management, firmly rooted at all levels. Therefore, the management of such organizations is wary of various certificates and additional quality requirements, not seeing a direct connection between the quality of management and the quality of medical care provided.


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How to Cite

Шалько, М. Н. (2023). FEATURES OF THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF MEDICAL SERVICES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (6), 105-110. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-pub.2023.6.14