


paradigm, efficiency, law, objects of public administration, instrument of public administration, administrative and legal protection, administrative supervision, administrative control, legislation, public relations, signs, public administration, administrative and legal relations, public administration


In the article, the author has carried out a comprehensive and thorough study of theoretical and practical aspects, developed proposals and recommendations for improving the state policy in the field of control and supervision in public administration, and reflected on the correlation of these key concepts and their place in modern administrative law. Based on the opinions of scientists in the field of administrative law and modern theoretical provisions of administrative legislation, the author has analyzed the current paradigm of control and supervision in public administration. The essence of public control is to monitor the functioning of the respective controlled object; to obtain objective and reliable information; to take measures to prevent and eliminate violations; to identify the causes and conditions that contribute to the offence; to take measures to bring to justice those responsible for the violation. The features of control as an instrument of public administration are as follows: the purpose is to inspect by public administration entities the implementation by public administration objects of the provisions of administrative and legal regimes defined by law; public control bodies carry out measures exclusively on the basis and in cases provided for by the laws of Ukraine; during the inspection, public administration identifies shortcomings in the administrative and legal regulation of public relations, requires public administration objects to eliminate Administrative supervision, as compared to control, is a narrower type of public administration. The peculiarity of supervision is that it aims not only to prevent offences, but also to apply administrative coercion measures, including administrative liability, in case of detection of violations of administrative and legal rules in a certain area by the relevant inspectorates or services. Administrative supervision is a special type of public activity carried out by special executive authorities in relation to organisationally independent enterprises, institutions, organisations, officials and citizens in connection with their compliance with special cross-sectoral norms, rules and requirements, using a set of administrative means of influence to prevent, detect and stop offences, restore established legal relations and bring perpetrators to justice. The author also emphasises that control and supervision in public administration have a direct proportional impact on the effectiveness of administrative and legal protection – this is the ability of public administration to restore violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of non-governmental individuals and legal entities, as well as the public interest of the State and society, in a timely and efficient manner.


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How to Cite

Правоторова, О. М. (2024). THE PARADIGM OF CONTROL AND SUPERVISION IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Public Management and Administration, (2), 44-50.