dual form of education, social partnership, qualified workforce, professional education, management system, training quality, educational and professional environmentAbstract
The article analyzes the current state of the system of quality control of the training of qualified workers according to the dual form of education, which is becoming more and more popular in modern professional education. The dual form involves the integration of theoretical training in educational institutions with practical experience in production, which makes quality control a key element to ensure that training meets the requirements of the modern labor market. The work examines the existing approaches to quality control, which include the assessment of the level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, as well as the interaction of educational institutions and enterprises. Legislative and regulatory aspects of quality control of worker training are analyzed, as well as key criteria that affect the effectiveness of the evaluation system. Special attention is paid to feedback mechanisms between educational institutions and enterprises to adjust educational programs and increase their relevance to real working conditions. The article also highlights the problems and challenges faced by the quality control system in the context of constant changes in the labor market, technological development and the introduction of new innovative approaches to education. This especially applies to the adaptation of training programs to new requirements and standards that arise in various industries. Considerable attention is paid to quality control methods, such as external and internal audit, testing, certification, and other tools that help assess the level of student training. In addition, the role of various stakeholders in the control process is considered, including employers, government bodies, expert communities and the learners themselves. The article presents a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian system of quality control with international practices, in particular European models of dual education, which allows to determine promising directions of development and possible improvements of the domestic system of training workers. In conclusion, the work identifies the main trends in the development of the quality control system, among which the standardization of assessment processes, the introduction of digital technologies for monitoring and analysis of the quality of education, and the strengthening of the role of social partnership in ensuring the relevance and quality of professional training play an important role.
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