model, transport problem, optimization models, efficiency, optimal planAbstract
The article considers the problem of using the distribution method to solve transport problems and describes the general approaches to setting more complex problems. The urgency of the issue is substantiated in order to optimally plan the distribution of technical resources in determining the need for these resources and organize their use in order to improve the efficiency of enterprises. The necessity of improvement and optimization of freight plans with the help of methods of mathematical modeling of the transport problem by the distribution method is shown. The distribution method and algorithms for its solution before implementation in the process of calculating the optimal plans of cargo transportation are studied. The general approaches to drawing up of model of a transport problem are characterized and criteria of its optimum are resulted, the final result of which will be an opportunity to compare the resource possibilities with needs of the enterprise, to estimate them from the point of view of business development. A model of the transport problem is obtained, which minimizes the cost of transporting goods, provided that their volumes are expressed in different units. This allows you to more accurately reflect in this model the specific planning of the relevant economic problem. The general approaches to optimization of cargo transportation at the enterprises are characterized and the criteria of optimality in modern economic conditions are given. The need to use mathematical methods to plan and forecast the work of enterprises, as well as the growing demands to reduce the cost of transport costs, which require in-depth research and implementation of appropriate mathematical models. The relevance of the application of this method for transportation with different units of cargo is substantiated.
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