optimization, cold-formed profile, steel structure, genetic algorithmAbstract
The problem of using structural optimization methods by practicing engineers has been considered by the paper. Areas of the effective application of optimization methods in the design procedures for building structures have been also discussed. The following areas have been considered: development of building structures of a fundamentally new type, design of building devoted to operation in unusual conditions, multi-series building structures improvement, as well as the design of building objects with very high unit value. The expediency of statement and solving the optimal design problems for steel structures made of cold-formed profiles has been substantiated. For steel structures made from thin-walled cold-formed profiles, the main meaning to solve optimization problems is their high repeatability. Such building structures have become popular for the construction of low-rise commercial, light industrial and agricultural buildings with small spans, and their production is based on the principles of mass production of industrial products. Problem formulations relating to searching for optimum design decisions of steel structures made from cold-formed profiles have been presented. The problem of cross-sectional size optimization of structural members made from cold-formed profiles, the problem of shape optimization of cold-formed profile, the problem of constructing the optimal range of cold-formed profiles of a given shape, and, finally, the parametric optimization problem for structural system made from cold-formed profiles have been formulated. Genetic algorithms have been proposed as a method to solve the formulated optimization problems for building structures made from cold-formed profiles. A brief overview of the publications in the field of optimal design of steel structures made from cold-formed profiles has been also presented.
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