


nutritional value, zeppelins, food technology, soy flour, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals


The article presents the production technology, recipe composition of Zeppelin “Tasty potatoes”. The expediency of using biologically active raw materials in the developed technology is substantiated. A set of data characterizing the quality of the developed dish is obtained, its high nutritional value is proved. Based on studies of organoleptic parameters of the developed samples, the rational concentration of dietary supplements in the recipe of Zeppelin “Tasty potatoes” was determined: soy flour – 2.5%, parsley root – 3%, which gives the developed food products improved taste and consistency compared to control through the use biologically active raw materials. Based on the analysis of the chemical composition, we can conclude that the addition of soy flour and parsley root to the zeppelin dish increases its nutritional value: increases the protein content – by 31%, mono- and disaccharides – by 34%, dietary fiber – by 21%, unsaturated fatty acids – by 21%. The content of vitamins B1 increased by 24%, vitamin E – by 31%, vitamin C – by 18%. Of minerals, the amount of calcium increased by 38%, magnesium by 28%, and iron by 31%. According to the results of the research it is established that the developed zeppelins “Tasty potatoes” with the use of biologically active raw materials – soy flour and parsley root, which have a high content of dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, developed culinary products can be recommended for nutrition in the daily diets of people working in heavy industry, living in environmentally polluted areas and all segments of the population.


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How to Cite

Антоненко, А., Рандюк, А., Кривошея, М., & Турбаєвський, Я. (2021). TECHNOLOGY OF VEGETABLE DISHES WITH THE USE OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE RAW MATERIALS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 12-20.

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