engineering-geological conditions, engineering-geological typing, bridge crossing, calculated load on the base, bearing capacity of the base, schemes of “layers”Abstract
The article considers the features of engineering and geological conditions of the territory, the principles of their engineering and geological zoning and typification. Given the interaction of the geological environment with the structures, which are bridge crossings, their specific features are considered as engineering structures. The assessment of engineering and geological conditions of exploration sites in Beryslav, Tsyurupynsky, Velyko Oleksandrivsky, Kakhovka districts of Kherson region and in the city of Kherson, which have undergone and are constantly changing in the process of urbanization under the influence of natural and man-made factors. The peculiarities of engineering-geological conditions (IGU), which are formed under the influence of certain factors (features) and are typical for each considered area, are established. The elements of ISU include: features of relief structure, geological structure, hydrogeological conditions, geological processes and phenomena, human engineering. The assessment of the ISU territory takes into account the complex impact of all these elements. The type-forming factors that determined the characteristic, typical for the studied areas engineering-geological features, which determine the typification by engineering-geological conditions of the areas of construction of bridge crossings in the considered areas of Kherson region, are considered and selected. It is determined that the main most significant role, among all type-forming factors, is played by soils located in the sphere of influence of structures and recommended for use as a basis for foundations of bridge crossings. Carried out engineering and geological typification of the conditions of the studied areas of construction of bridges can serve as a basis for engineering and geological zoning in order to identify areas that have a set of factors considered in the work, which determine the complex of engineering solutions, technology and safe operation.
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