



technology, formulation, functional ingredients, products, production


Setting objectives. The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental research on the use of alternative raw materials to develop new gluten-free recipes based on the use of its own, annually renewable, safe plant raw materials. It is noted that recently the production of gluten- free products has become very popular in the world due to the growing number of allergic diseases caused by intolerance to certain food compounds, including gluten. It is established that the main share of gluten-free products in Ukraine is foreign products, so the issue of using alternative vegetable raw materials to replace traditional gluten-containing flour is of great One of the main tasks of the food industry of Ukraine is to fill the market with food products of high biological and physiological value. Implementation of innovative technologies based on world and domestic experience is an important task today. The use of modern achievements of scientists in the field, as well as their close cooperation with manufacturers, will allow to develop innovative production technologies at domestic enterprises and to fill the market of Ukraine with its own, annually renewed, high-quality and safe products of various functional purposes. Providing consumers with new food products for preventive, health and dietary purposes in a sufficient range will contribute to import substitution of expensive functional products. Research results. The introduction of new technologies and recipes for the production of gluten-free products will allow to expand the range of domestic producers of bakery products and will contribute to the replacement of expensive, imported gluten-free products with our own annually renewable plant raw materials based on the use and implementation of the latest technologies and recipes. Also, when substantiating innovative functional recipes, it should be noted that an important factor on which the quality of the manufactured product depends is the use of high-quality raw materials, which are supplied to enterprises of the processing industry. Flour with high consumption characteristics can be obtained only from high-quality grain. Defects in the smell, taste and color of the grain can transfer to the finished flour product. If you use grain that selfwarms, germinates and is destroyed by pests, especially bugs, the consumer properties will not change much, but the baking properties will be completely nullified, because the flour becomes less protein. As mentioned above, flour made from different types of grain has different levels of chemical and mineral substances, color, and therefore can have different applications when justifying innovative functional recipes and technologies. Conclusions. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the creation of functional recipes and technologies requires deep theoretical and experimental research. In addition, the use of own, annually renewed raw materials will contribute to the import substitution of expensive functional products and fill the market of Ukraine with affordable, inexpensive, high-quality and safe products of various functional purposes.


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Михалик К.В., Гусар А.О., Горач О.О. Аналіз виробництва безглютенової продукції функціонального призначення на основі використання вітчизняної сировини. Таврійський науковий вісник, 2021. № 6. С. 94–100. http://dspace.ksau.kherson.ua/handle/123456789/7867



How to Cite

Горач, О. О. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF FUNCTIONAL RECIPES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (6), 52-58. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2022.6.7

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