



warehouse management systems, resource planning, logistics centers, ERP, WMS, YMS.


The article examines the work based on the experience of the Logistics Center "Kalynivka" LLC "Epicenter K". taking into account business processes at the global level and the principles of working with warehouse management systems (WMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and yard management (YMS). Enterprises do not sufficiently use logistic approaches and concepts in their activities. For the complex and practical application of logistics concepts, the formation of logistics systems of enterprises, the corresponding level of development and the level of development of the economy of society as a whole are necessary. In Ukraine, the number of enterprises operating on the basis of logistics concepts is small. These are mostly enterprises with foreign investments, which have separate logistics departments and a well-formed logistics system. Given that the purpose of creating a logistics system is to harmonize the interests of producers, suppliers and consumers, its main directions are: improving the parameters of incoming resource flows based on improving relations with suppliers; improvement of internal flows, i.e. results and coordination of actions of the company's divisions; improving relations with consumers, ensuring the most accurate correspondence of outgoing flows of goods and services with their requirements. It must be stated that in conditions of market volatility and insufficient systems of efficient management of logistics activity developed by scientists, the formation of the logistics system often occurs spontaneously and inefficiently. The organization of a profitable business is impossible without proper storage of goods in a specially designated place. Such premises must be technically equipped and adapted for the distribution of stocks between consumers. There are no universal rules for the operation of the warehouse system — only an individual approach, taking into account a number of related factors, will make the warehouse profitable and ensure its stable and efficient operation.


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How to Cite

Лемешко, А. В., Антоненко, А. В., Балвак, А. А., & Новіченко, Є. О. (2023). СURRENT PRINCIPLES OF CREATING INFORMATION PROCESSING ALGORITHMS FOR LOGISTICS CENTERS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 25-32. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2023.1.3




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