


control critical points, onion soup, quality monitoring, HACCP.


The article presents the results of monitoring the safety and quality of onion soup production in the restaurant industry. Food safety is an important factor closely related to people's health in all countries of the world. According to data from the World Health Organization (FAO WHO), foodborne diseases are an extremely difficult problem not only in developing countries, but also in developed countries, as they pose a serious threat to human health and cause significant economic losses. In developed countries, more than a third of the population suffers from foodborne diseases every year. And of course, the problems in developing countries are more complex and deep. Providing high-quality restaurant service is a key factor in building guests' trust in a restaurant establishment, increasing its competitiveness and profitability. One of the conditions for ensuring the provision of high-quality products is the implementation of the HACCP system at the enterprise. The HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a reliable means of protecting food consumers. It identifies, evaluates and controls possible hazards in the entire process of food production, which allows to eliminate harmful factors and control the entire production process. HACCP for the restaurant industry will ensure: high quality of food preparation; confidence that the staff adheres to established sanitary standards; a significant reduction in inspections; assurance that food products are stored, processed and disposed of in accordance with sanitary standards; compliance with the requirements of legislation regarding the presence of the HACCP system at the enterprise. An important principle of effective food safety management in the HACCP system is monitoring. Thanks to it, you can control critical points (CCP). Monitoring is the measurement or observation of control critical points relative to their limit values. The article presents the results of monitoring the safety and quality of onion soup production in a restaurant. Specifically, control critical points were established at some stages of its production.


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How to Cite

Нєміріч, О. В., Гавриш, А. В., & Крикунова, А. В. (2023). ESTABLISHING CONTROL CRITICAL POINTS IN THE PRODUCTION OF ONION SOUP. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 75-88.