


technology, chopped semi-finished products, steaks, recipe, rabbit meat, amaranth flour.


The general chemical composition of plant and animal raw materials was studied: the main components of beef dry matter are protein and fat (18.6% and 16.00%, respectively). Carbohydrates accounted for 60.54% of vegetable raw materials, of which the fiber content in amaranth flour was 7.05%, and the protein content was higher ‒ 16.87%. The recipe composition and technological process for the production of chopped semifinished products from beef and rabbit meat with the involvement of amaranth composite flour technology were substantiated and developed. The quality indicators of model minced meat with the content of rabbit meat and amaranth flour of the newly developed products were studied. The effect of adding a portion of rabbit meat on the physico-chemical parameters of the minced meat was studied, in particular, when the portion of rabbit meat increased, the mass loss during heat treatment decreased quite significantly: from 27.29 to 19.73%, which is a reduction of losses by 7.56 % compared to the control. And accordingly, the yield of finished products increases: if in the control minced meat it was 72.71%, then in the combined products with rabbit it increased to 80.27%, that is, by 7.56%. The influence of amaranth flour concentration in model minced meat on their physicochemical and organoleptic parameters was determined. In order to expand the range of chopped meat semi-finished products with rabbit meat and improve their properties, recipes for chopped semi-finished products with amaranth flour (beef steaks) were proposed and technological schemes for their production were developed. The optimal amount of amaranth flour for replacing meat raw materials in the production of combined chopped semi-finished products is 8%, and the content of rabbit meat is 30%. The finished products are characterized by good consistency, delicate structure, juiciness and pleasant taste and aroma. Implementation of the proposed innovation does not require additional equipment or retraining of employees. In the technology of chopped semi-finished products with rabbit meat and amaranth flour, we can recommend different methods of heat treatment: frying in the main way, which is the most traditional for this type of product, steaming and baking, taking into account small losses during heat treatment.


Державна служба статистики України. Тваринництво України. URL: https://

Споживання м’яса в Україні залишилося на довоєнному рівні. URL: https://

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How to Cite

Мідлер, Г. С., Мамченко, Л. Є., Нєміріч, О. В., & Ройко, О. Є. (2023). IMPROVING THE TECHNOLOGY OF BISHTEX WITH RABBIT MEAT AND AMARANTH FLOUR. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 46-55.

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