


onion puree soup, rice drink, technology, recipe composition, lactose intolerance


The article presents the results of improving the technology and recipe composition of onion puree soup with the addition of rice drink for restaurants. Among the various external factors that affect the human body, nutrition is one of the most important. Properly organized nutrition ensures the normal flow of growth and development processes of the body, preservation of health and working capacity of a person. Modern nutrition science has come to the conclusion that soups are absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of our body. They are important for a balanced diet, provide the body with heat and energy, help activate metabolism and blood circulation. A soup containing many minerals and vitamins has an effect on restoring the watersalt balance. Mashed soups have recently gained popularity. They are tasty, light, dietary and easy to prepare. Previously, their preparation was more difficult, but with the advent of convenient kitchen equipment for fine grinding (blenders, food processors), each establishment was happy to develop its own puree soup technology. This soup is in great demand among both children and adults. A distinctive feature of pureed soup is its delicate taste and uniform structure. Soups using a biologically valuable plant component are in great demand. Plant-based drinks are often included in the diet of people with lactose intolerance. Refers to vegetarian food, raw food, it can be used during fasting and various diets. And that is why the technological process of preparing and serving such pureed soups is relevant today. The article presents the results of improving onion puree soup by adding rice drink for restaurants. Namely, technology and formulation.


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How to Cite

Нєміріч, О. В., Павлюченко, О. С., Матиящук, О. В., & Крикунова, А. В. (2023). IMPROVEMENT OF THE ONION PUREE SOUP TECHNOLOGY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 137-146.

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