


displaying information, browser, web development, methods of displaying information, optimization


The article is devoted to the methods of displaying information in browsers, the disadvantages and advantages of each of the methods, the possibility of combining them and how exactly this improves the user experience and optimizes the use of server and client resources. In today’s world, where access to the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, web applications and websites play an important role in various activities, from education and entertainment to business and communication. However, with the development of the Internet and the increase in the number of users, there are more and more problems with the loading speed of web pages and web applications, as well as with the processing of large amounts of data. Therefore, optimizing methods of displaying information in browsers is an important task for web developers and site owners. The article discusses in detail various methods of displaying information in browsers, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possibility of combining them to achieve the best result. The methods of displaying information in browsers determine how the data that will be shown to the user will be processed, exactly how the server and client resources will be distributed. The development of these methods allows improving the process of using computing and Internet resources, saving Internet traffic and creating more pleasant web applications from the point of view of user experience, which is a key factor for the distribution of the product and increasing its demand. In particular, we have considered the traditional method of displaying static web pages, as well as newer methods such as SSR, CSR, ISR. The paper considers how combining different methods can help improve user experience and optimize the use of server and client resources. The article defines which method of displaying information in browsers meets your needs, how to use it to achieve maximum efficiency, and how to improve the user experience of web applications.


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How to Cite

Антоненко, А. В., Балвак, А. А., Цвик, О. С., Ємелін, Д. М., & Гришковець, Є. П. (2024). INNOVATIVE METHODS OF INFORMATION DISPLAY IN WEB-BROWSERS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 3-11.




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