


nutritional value, dessert, marshmallow, food technology, mineral substances, food fibers


The article describes the production technology, recipe composition of the dessert - marshmallow with gum arabic. The expediency of using biologically active raw materials in the developed technology is substantiated. A set of data characterizing the quality of the developed dish was obtained, and its high nutritional value was proven. On the basis of studies of the organoleptic indicators of the developed samples, a rational concentration of the dietary supplement in the dessert recipe was determined, which gives the developed food products improved taste properties and consistency compared to the control due to the use of a biologically active substance. The developed technology has an increased content of food fibers compared to the traditional technology. The optimal ratio of components in the recipe of the developed dessert was experimentally confirmed. According to organoleptic indicators, the developed dessert meets the established quality standards. The proposed method of producing marshmallows with gum arabic allows you to obtain products of higher nutritional value compared to traditional technology. The introduction of dessert production technology with the use of gum arabic in restaurants is relevant and expedient. From an economic point of view, this is not an expensive method, because it is not necessary to spend on new equipment, additional elements in production, and the thickener itself costs the same as similar thickeners. Gum arabic is not an allergen, contains natural fiber, removes heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body. The social effect of the introduction of the developed dessert consists in expanding the assortment of meals for adults and children with improved consumer properties of the products, which will contribute to the preservation of the health of the population and the protection of the body from the negative effects of the environment. The developed dessert products can be recommended for food in the daily diets of people working in heavy industry, living in ecologically polluted areas and all strata of the population.


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How to Cite

Антоненко, А. В., Толок, Г. А., Бровенко, Т. В., Ратушенко, А. Т., & Горкун, А. О. (2024). TECHNOLOGY OF CONFECTIONERY USING POWDERS OF TROPICAL PLANTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 119-127.

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