


baby food, safety, quality, technology, production, quality control


The article researches modern requirements for the production of baby food in Ukraine. It is noted that this group of food products is represented mainly by domestic production. The analysis of the modern production of baby food allows us to conclude that the variety of this category of goods is quite wide, mainly represented by such products as mashed potatoes, juices and cookies of various flavors and represented by fruit, vegetable, vegetable-meat, fish-vegetable, meat, fish products. Modern production technologies of this group of products provide control of quality and safety indicators of raw materials in the context of food legislation and current control of each stage of the technological process of production, packaging, storage and transportation. Factors affecting the production of this food group include capacity to grow fruits and vegetables for juice production, as well as dependence on imports, especially oranges, grapefruits, mangoes, etc. Logistics problems are also related to influencing factors. It is known that in Ukraine there are problems with the storage (warehouse logistics) of the harvested crop. In addition, intrastate and interstate travel restrictions affect the quality of transportation of raw materials for juices and finished products, which also affects the price. Volumes are part of a healthy diet, so the popularity of this diet has led to an increase in juice consumption. During the pandemic, consumers' purchasing power has been reduced, and cheaper alternatives are becoming more popular. The technology for the production of puree intended for baby food involves a sterilization process. The main goal of the sterilization process is the need to obtain a high-quality and safe product that does not contain harmful microorganisms that can cause deterioration of the finished product or the health of the consumer. This technological process is based on the use of heat treatment and preservation methods without the use of preservatives. The puree obtained in this way has a longer shelf life and can be stored at room temperature without a refrigerator. It is often used in the food industry to prepare sauces, soups, drinks and other products. The main type of puree packaging is aseptic packaging.


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Аналіз ринку фруктів, ягід та продуктів їхньої переробки в Україні. Режим доступу:

Горач О.О., Вихованець Р.М. Особливості виробництва томатної пасти в умовах продовольчої безпеки. Таврійський науковий вісник. Серія: Технічні науки / Херсонський державний аграрно-економічний університет. Херсон : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023. Вип. 4. С. 94–101.

Gorach O. Current state of production and prospects of the use of oily flax seed in the food industry. Intellectual and technological potential of the XXI century: Innovative technology, Computer science, cybernetics and automation, Architecture and construction, Chemistry and pharmaceuticals. Monographic series «European Science». Book 23. Part 1. 2023. p. 41–59.

Gorach Olga, Dzyundzya Oksana and Rezvykh Nina, Innovative Technology for the Production of Gluten-free Food Products of a New Generation, Current Nutrition & Food Science 2024; 20 (6).




How to Cite

Горач, О. О., & Істоміна, Ю. В. (2024). MODERN REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION CHILD NUTRITION. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 134-137.

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