


nutrition, preservation, meat products, nitrites, maximum permissible concentration


One of the most important problems for any country is to provide its population with food. Indeed, proper nutrition has an important role in ensuring the health of the nation. Food should not only provide the human body with the necessary nutrients and energy, but also perform preventive and therapeutic functions. Eating a balanced diet containing a variety of foods provides the body with the necessary micro and macro elements, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients. This helps to strengthen the immune system, maintain an optimal weight and reduce the risk of various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. It is well known that poor nutrition can lead to the development of various diseases, including chronic illnesses and health problems. Therefore, it is important to promote good nutrition and provide adequate information about the health benefits of different foods. The application of scientific research in the field of nutrition allows us to develop products with increased biological value that can perform not only basic nutritional functions, but also maintain health and prevent the development of diseases. Thus, providing the population with high-quality and healthy food is one of the strategic tasks for any country to maintain the health of the nation and improve the quality of life of its citizens. The study of the content of harmful substances in food and their origin is indeed a very important task to ensure food safety and protect consumer health. During the processing of raw materials, various substances may be added or processes may be carried out that may lead to the formation of harmful compounds. In particular, preservatives may be used in the production of meat products. We have investigated the nitrite content of sausage products sold on the local market of meat products in the middle price segment.


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How to Cite

Крачан, Т. М., Ямборак, Р. С., Коваль, Т. В., Придеткевич, Ю. О., & Самар, А. В. (2024). NITRITE CONTENT IN MEAT PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 145-151.