



lozenge, kiwi puree, henomeles, biologically active substances, functional products


The situation that has developed in our country, namely the state of war, prompts food industry specialists to improve existing or develop new useful, convenient to use and store food products. The need to develop quick-cooking food products with a long shelf life and good for health left a special impression on the eyes of scientists and food manufacturers. The article is devoted to the improvement of the technology of pastille products due to the use of henomeles puree. Puree from henomeles is characterized by a high content of phenolic substances, organic acids, pectin and carotene. The presence of a significant amount of pectin substances allows the use of puree from henomeles as a natural structure former. It was established that the rational percentage of puree from chenomeles in the composition of the fruit mixture for obtaining a pastille is 10% of the recipe amount of fruit puree. Kiwi puree has been found to contain a large amount of vitamins. But its difference from other fruits is that most of them are not destroyed in the processing process. This is due to a certain acidity of the fruit pulp, which contributes to the preservation of useful elements. It was investigated that the composition of kiwi puree contained titrated henomeles fruits, the titrated acidity is 4.95%, the content of pectin substances is 1.45%, and it also contains a significant content of vitamin C – 135.20 mg/100 g and phenolic substances – 560 mg/100 g, which indicates the expediency of their use for obtaining basic composite mixtures for obtaining pastilles. The results obtained in the drying process show that the drying temperature affects the intensity of moisture removal from the dried material. The most intensive moisture removal process occurs at a drying temperature of 70 °C and is 11.76%. At a drying temperature of 65 °C, the moisture content is 15.46%, and in the case of a drying temperature of 55–21.36%. At all temperature levels, the most intense drying process took place during 270.0 min (4.5 hours), and the last 90.0 min (1.5 hours) the drying process slowed down and practically stabilized.


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How to Cite

Новікова, Н. В., Фещук, Ю. А., & Гожуловський, Ю. О. (2024). ENRICHMENT OF PASTILES WITH BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 185-192. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.1.22