


fatty acids, chia seeds, Оmega-3, nutrition, sauce, useful properties, safe products


A study was conducted on fatty acid deficiency among all age groups. One of the indicators of a serious deficiency was a lack of Omega-3. They studied the issue of replacing some components or adding new ingredients to mayonnaise to obtain a sauce with a higher rate of usefulness and safety for the human body. In the last decade, the public’s interest in nontraditional types of oil seeds, in particular chia seeds, as a product that has certain beneficial properties for the human body, has been growing, which makes it urgent to determine the possibility of using the specified seed in the technology of food products in order to give it functional properties. The most important is the balance of fatty acids, which can be achieved by balancing the mayonnaise composition of sauces. Deficiency of omega-3 can be compensated by adding chia seed oil to the composition. Chia seeds can be a functional ingredient in dishes, which contain a significant amount of proteins and ω-3 fatty acids. The article presents the results of a comparison of the fatty acid composition of chia seed oil with corn germ oil and sunflower seed oil. It was established that the highest value of alpha-linolenic acid is in chia seed oil, which is ten times more than in sunflower and corn oil. The content of linoleic acid in corn oil and sunflower oil is almost twice that of chia seed oil. The presence of oleic acid in small amounts of chia seed oil makes it possible to use it more harmoniously than corn and sunflower oil.Also, the presence of alpha-linoleic acid, or rather its greatest value, allows you to use chia seed oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, and to use it as a functional component in food production. The high beneficial properties of chia seed oil, the need for healthy and safe food products, successes in the selection and cultivation of the culture in Ukraine create great prospects for using the studied oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids. All the beneficial properties of chia seeds are due to their unique composition, so they are planned to be widely used for specialized and functional nutrition. The fatty acid composition of chia seed oil is a valuable component for replacing some components or adding new ingredients to mayonnaise sauces.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М., Косташ, В. Б., & Коваль, Т. В. (2024). THE PROSPECT OF USING CHIA SEED OIL AS PART OF MAYONNAISE SAUCES. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 193-197.

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