


nutritional value, biscotti, food technology, sesame flour, amaranth flour, vitamins, minerals


Scientific substantiation and development of competitive technology of production of complex raw materials is an urgent task, the solution of which will allow to expand the range of combined dishes with high nutritional and biological value and to obtain products with specified functional properties. The article presents the production technology, recipe composition of Italian biscuit cookies. The expediency of using biologically active raw materials in the developed technology is substantiated. A set of data characterizing the quality of the developed dish is obtained, its high nutritional value is proved. Based on studies of organoleptic parameters of the developed samples, the rational concentration of dietary supplements in the recipe of biscotti cookies was determined, which gives the developed food products improved taste and consistency compared to the control through the use of biologically active raw materials. Developed biscuit cookies technology with amaranth and sesame flour, pistachios has a high content of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals compared to traditional technology. The optimal ratio of components in the recipe of the developed flour confectionery product has been experimentally confirmed. According to organoleptic parameters, the obtained cookies meet the quality standards. The social effect of the introduced biscuit cookies with amaranth and sesame flour, pistachios is to expand the range of dishes for adults and children with high content of essential nutrients, improved consumer properties of products that will help protect the health of the population, protect the environment from negative environmental influences. Developed culinary products can be recommended for nutrition in the daily diets of people working in heavy industry, living in environmentally contaminated areas and all segments of the population.


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How to Cite

Антоненко, А., Бровенко, Т., Василенко, О., Земліна, Ю., Криворучко, М., & Толок, Г. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY OF COOKIES WITH HIGH NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 55-65.