



technological equipment, coffee grinding machines, grinding mechanisms, wiping machines, restaurants


The article describes the features of mechanical grinding technological equipment. The paper examines the peculiarities of the interaction of mechanical technological equipment with food raw materials and food products and gives an overview of the application for various technological processes in the food industry and restaurant establishments. Despite the large number of scientific works devoted to the topic of technological equipment, in particular mechanical equipment, in Ukraine this is an insufficiently covered topic that needs research, given the current conditions in the national economy. The structure and principles of operation of machines for grinding coffee, grinding mechanisms and wiping machines for restaurants are considered. Depending on the nature of the forces acting on the product, the following types of crushing are distinguished: crushing, splitting, breaking, grinding, cutting, impact. The named methods have different degrees of compression and shear deformations. Grinding crushes hard and brittle materials. Crushing deforms the entire volume of the material, and when stress values that exceed the compressive strength limit are reached, the material breaks. Grinding is usually carried out under the influence of a combination of forces: crushing and abrasion, abrasion and impact, etc. The cutting process is divided into cutting and spraying. Cutting is used for grinding semi-solid and plastic materials. During cutting, the parts of the product are given a given shape and size, that is, unlike crushing, the process is controlled. The use of technological mechanical equipment with other physical methods and energy carriers makes it possible to intensify technological processes, reduce the cost of finished products, as well as increase the nutritional and biological value of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. The course of the grinding process depends on the following factors: the structure and physical and mechanical properties of the products, structural and geometric indicators of the working bodies and the nature of their movement, kinematic and dynamic parameters of the grinding equipment. Each product has its own structure, which determines the method of grinding. The physical and mechanical properties of the product affect the nature of its destruction at the point of contact with the working body.


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How to Cite

Криворучко, М. Ю., Антоненко, А. В., Неіленко, С. М., Михайлик, В. С., Форостяна, Н. П., & Тонких, О. Г. (2024). FEATURES OF MECHANICAL DETAILING EQUIPMENT IN THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS AND FOOD INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (2), 138-146. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.2.15

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