



unmanned untethered aerial vehicle, tethered unmanned aerial vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicle, base stations, macro base stations, ground station


The article considers the possibility of using 6G mobile communication technology for unmanned aerial vehicles, which is at the stage of active development. However, there is a problem of limited energy reserves in UAV batteries, which limits their effectiveness. This results in the need for regular charging stops, reducing the duration of their missions. The paper proposes a new approach to this problem using tethered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The basic idea is to create a network where tethered unmanned aerial vehicles (tUAVs) will maintain constant power and data transmission through a tether that connects them to a ground station (GN). This approach will avoid losing communication with the tUAV during recharging, ensuring continuous monitoring and control. The article examines in detail the concept of connecting a tUAV to the emergency department using a special cable that supplies electricity and transmits data at the same time. This approach makes it possible to constantly feed tUAVs and receive important information from them without the need for their severe limitation due to the need for recharging. A cable connection that supplies power and transmits data allows tethered unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to leave the network coverage area only for short periods of time, such as during maintenance and repair. The article provides a comparative analysis between tUAVs and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that operate without tethering to a cable. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are evaluated, taking into account their performance and the ability to maintain continuous communication in conditions of limited energy. Simulation results demonstrating the possibility of achieving up to a 30% increase in coverage probability using a tethered unmanned aerial vehicle (tUAV) with a cable length of 120 meters compared to an untethered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) demonstrate the potential effectiveness of this technology. The article also considers the challenges that may arise when implementing the proposed model in practice, and questions the tasks for further research that can contribute to the development of this innovative technology. Ways to further improve the technology may include improving cable length, optimizing energy efficiency and reducing maintenance costs. The research can contribute to the development of more advanced and productive unmanned aerial vehicle systems and open new opportunities for their application in various fields, from military applications to commercial and civilian purposes.


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How to Cite

Антоненко, А. В., Буряк, М. С., Цвик, О. С., Бурачинський, А. Ю., Балвак, А. А., & Занфіров, Р. Р. (2024). FEATURES OF THE DEPLOYMENT OF MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS USING UAV. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 3-12. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.3.1




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