



technological equipment, cooking equipment, TEN, digestion boiler, turbine valve, steam valve, vacuum valve, restaurant establishments


The article describes the features of thermal cooking technological equipment. The paper examines the peculiarities of the interaction of thermal cooking equipment with food raw materials and food products and gives an overview of the application for various technological processes in the food industry and restaurant establishments. Despite the large number of scientific works devoted to the topic of technological equipment, in particular cooking equipment, in Ukraine this is an insufficiently covered topic that needs research, given the current conditions in the national economy. The structure and principles of operation of digestive boilers with direct and indirect heating in catering establishments are considered. The use of boilers makes it possible to speed up the cooking process; specific energy consumption and heat loss are lower compared to stoves. During cooking in modern pans, heat losses exceed 50% of the used power of the burner. The working chamber of the boiler is surrounded by a steam-water shell, where superheated steam under pressure effectively transfers the heat of the contents of the cooking vessel through the entire surface of the wall. The tight lid on the cooking container prevents heat loss from above. Cooking boilers are installed in canteens, restaurants, and other food outlets with a large number of visitors. Electric boilers with indirect heating are equipped with a steam generator to produce steam from distilled water. The heating elements are TENs, which are fixed on the flange with a common block. The block is attached to the steam generator body using screws. In restaurants, mostly electric and gas boilers are used, less often – steam boilers. Performance indicators of boilers depend on the mode of operation and correct operation. All performance indicators affect the efficiency of the boiler or depend on it. The operational characteristics of the boilers are improved if the cooking vessel is heated by two groups of heaters located near the bottom and walls, and if the thermostats are correctly set, which prevent violent boiling of the liquid, including when the working chamber is not completely filled. The coefficient of useful action increases with an increase in the load factor of the cooking vessel during heating of the contents of the boiler to boiling, as the specific heat exchange surface decreases.


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How to Cite

Криворучко, М. Ю., Антоненко, А. В., Расулов, Р. А., Ратушенко, А. Т., Горкун, А. О., & Тонких, О. Г. (2024). FEATURES OF DIGESTIVE BOILERS IN THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS AND FOOD INDUSTRY. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 109-117. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.3.11

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