



cereal semi-finished product, cereal, filling, organoleptic properties, quality, standard, consistency


The results of the study of technology optimization of quick-frozen flour semi-finished dumplings are presented. The rheological characteristics of fruit and berry compositions with cereal semi-finished products depending on the type and amount of fruit and berry part and cereal semi-finished products were studied and the optimal ratios of fruit and berry raw materials and cereal semi-finished products were substantiated. To study the influence of the ratio of fruit and berry puree: cereal semi-finished product on the quality indicators of fillings, 9 compositions were used, including 3 types of cereals (semolina, oat and corn) and 3 ratios of fruit and berry puree: cereal semi-finished product (10:1, 10:2, 10:3). It was established that the addition of groats did not significantly affect such indicators as the thickness of the test shell and the thickness of the test in the places of laying. The mass fraction of the filling to the mass of the product had the largest deviation from the standard in samples with the addition of oat groats in a ratio of 10:3 (47.8%). When semolina was added, the smallest deviation from the standard of 08-22% was observed. With an increase in the amount of groats introduced, a slight decrease in the scores for taste and appearance was observed. At a ratio of puree: cereal semi-finished product of 10:1, the flavor of cereals is not felt in all compositions, at a ratio of 10:2, a corresponding flavor of cereals appears, at a ratio of 10:3, the flavor of cereals is clearly expressed. At the same time, with an increase in the recipe content of groats, a thickening of the consistency is observed. The mass fraction of the filling of the mass of the product had the largest deviation from the standard in samples with the addition of oat groats in a ratio of 10:3 (47.8%). When semolina was added, the smallest deviation from the standard of 08-22% was observed. At a ratio of puree: cereal semi-finished product of 10:1, the flavor of cereals is not felt in all compositions, at a ratio of 10:2, a corresponding flavor of cereals appears, at a ratio of 10:3, the flavor of cereals is clearly expressed.


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How to Cite

Приліпко, Т. М., Семенов, О. М., & Косташ, В. Б. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF QUICKFROZEN FLOUR SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (3), 128-132. https://doi.org/10.32782/tnv-tech.2024.3.13

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