


raw casein; drying, deformation, moisture.


The difficulty of reducing the energy intensity of drying and its intensification is due to the fact that, despite its widespread use, this process is the least researched, due to the difficulties faced by scientists when creating a mathematical model of the simultaneous transfer of heat flows, dry substances and moisture. A promising direction for increasing the efficiency of the drying process is to increase the surface area of phase contact (material and drying agent) for heat transfer and mass exchange. It is possible to achieve an increase in the contact surface using the compression-filtration method of drying instead of the usual convective methods. However, compression-filtration drying should be used only in relation to materials that combine a porous structure and elastic properties. At the same time, the compression and filtration properties of the material are important for determining the parameters of the drying process. Such materials include casein in particular. The purpose of the research was to assess the possibility of practical application of compression-filtration drying of casein. The results of studies of the compression-filtration properties of raw casein show that the latter has elastic-plastic properties that are uniquely dependent on the value of the pressure acting on the casein layer. After the cessation of pressure on the casein layer, its height is restored by 88% compared to the height of the layer before deformation. Therefore, it is possible to claim the possibility of using compression-filtration drying in relation to raw casein. The results of the study of casein porosity made it possible to establish that the volume of the drying agent that will be absorbed by the casein layer during the drying process will be 66% of its volume. This will allow to significantly increase the area of the contact surface of the phases in comparison with other types of drying.


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How to Cite

Кравець, О. І., Шинкарик, М. М., Кравець, В. І., & Стадницький, М. А. (2024). RESEARCH OF COMPRESSION AND FILTRATION PROPERTIES OF RAW CASEIN. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 227-236.