combi steamer, thermal processing, animal products, dry matter, fat, organoleptic indicators, restaurant industry, technological processes, product quality.Abstract
This article presents the results of a study on the influence of equipment type and thermal processing methods on the technological quality indicators of animal products in the restaurant industry. The relevance of the research is driven by the need to optimise cooking processes and improve the quality of finished dishes in modern restaurant business conditions. The research objects were various types of animal-derived raw materials: pork, chicken fillet, chicken eggs, hake and trout. The examined raw materials underwent culinary processing using traditional technology on stovetop cookware, as well as using a RATIONAL SCC 61 combi steamer. The study conducted a comparative analysis of thermal processing regimes, the mass fraction of dry matter and fat before and after thermal processing, as well as organoleptic indicators of finished dishes. The results of the study showed that the use of a combi steamer has a number of significant advantages compared to traditional methods of thermal processing. In particular, significant differences were found in the content of dry matter and fat in finished products depending on the cooking method. For example, when boiling pork as a whole piece on the stovetop, the mass fraction of dry matter was 31.0±0.1%, whilst in the combi steamer it was 26.8±0.1%. A similar trend was observed for other products. Fat content analysis showed similar results. For instance, when boiling chicken fillet on the stovetop, the mass fraction of fat was 4.1±0.2%, and in the combi steamer – 3.7±0.1%. These data indicate better moisture retention and less concentration of dry matter and fat when processed in a combi steamer. Organoleptic evaluation of products cooked by different methods demonstrated significant advantages of using a combi steamer. Dishes prepared in the combi steamer received higher scores for consistency, taste, aroma and colour compared to products cooked by traditional methods. For example, when boiling chicken fillet in a combi steamer, the consistency was rated 5 points, whilst when boiled on the stovetop – 3 points. The study also revealed that using a combi steamer allows achieving higher temperatures in the centre of the product in a shorter processing time. For example, when boiling pork as a whole piece in a combi steamer, a temperature of 92.5±1.1°C was achieved in 40±1 minutes, whilst on the stovetop – 86.1±2.0°C in 65±2 minutes. Based on the conducted research, a conclusion was made about the significant advantages of using combi steamers in restaurant establishments. These advantages include not only improving the quality of finished dishes but also optimising production processes and energy consumption. For future research, the authors propose to expand the range of studied products, examine the impact of different combi steamer operating modes on the quality of finished dishes, and investigate the effect of thermal processing in a combi steamer on the nutritional value of products. It is also relevant to develop new technological cards and recipes optimised for cooking in a combi steamer, and to conduct an economic analysis of the efficiency of using combi steamers in restaurant establishments of various types and scales. The results of the study have practical significance for improving the efficiency of restaurant establishments, enhancing product quality and optimising technological processes in the industry.
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