


dietary fiber, frozen meat semi-finished products in a dough shell, functional and technological properties


This article is devoted to the study of the influence of food additives of plant origin, in particular four types of dietary fiber, on the functional and technological properties of frozen meat semi-finished products in the dough shell. Given the results of analytical studies, it was found that among the dietary supplements of plant origin, which ensure the preservation of quality and stabilization of the structure of meat systems in the production of frozen meat products and have a positive effect on the human body, dietary fiber can be identified. Experimental studies to determine their effect on the functional and technological properties of frozen meat semifinished products in the dough shell allowed to note the orange dietary fiber “Citri-Fi”. The obtained research data confirm that “Citri-Fi” orange fibers have a very high ability to retain water. Higher values of such indicators as mass fraction of moisture, moisture-binding, moisture-retaining, fat-retaining abilities and yield (12…15% higher in comparison with the control) were noted. The stability of structural and mechanical properties and pH of samples after freezing was determined. The results of organoleptic evaluation establish the best characteristics for the sample with orange fibers “Citri-Fi”, which had a good appearance and sectional view, evenly mixed minced meat, juicy, delicate texture, pleasant taste, odor, characteristic of good quality raw materials, gray-pink color, the shell of the dough is not torn, not behind the stuffing. In view of this, we consider promising further work on the development of new recipes for frozen meat semi-finished products in a dough shell using dietary orange fiber “Citri-Fi”, which in turn will expand the range of high quality and competitive meat products with specified properties.


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How to Cite

Желєва, Т., & Розуменко, А. (2021). INFLUENCE OF PLANT FOOD ADDITIVES ON FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF FROZEN MEAT SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (4), 47-53.