leachate, solid domestic waste, method, efficiency, environment, structural and mechanical hydration of aluminum hydroxide, hydraulic sizeAbstract
The article evaluates the effectiveness of various technological methods leachate treatment, in particular, a method for activating the reagent treatment method using a solution of aluminum sulfate coagulant, subjected to activation by magnetic treatment and electrocoagulation. This technology will intensify the process of keachate treatment, reduce the dose of aluminum sulfate without compromising the quality of wastewater treatment, reduce operating costs and the cost of leachate treatment, in general. To achieve this goal in the course of research was studied the chemical composition of leachate at different stages of operation of the landfill, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of the leachate, depending on its age. The optimization of the parameters of reagent leachate treatment was highlighter, has been studied the kinetics and identified patterns of the coagulation process when activating a solution of aluminum sulfate coagulant. The following main issues have been studied: – change of structural and mechanical hydration of aluminum hydroxide during leachate treatment with activated solution of aluminum sulfate coagulant; – the effect of activated coagulant solution on the change of adhesion forces of the contact medium; – the effect of activated coagulate solution on the hydraulic size of the coagulated suspension. The article proves the high efficiency of the reagent method (in combination with biological treatment) for filtration water characteristic of the stage of methanogenesis, describes in detail the chemistry of the process and the mechanism of changes in structural and mechanical hydration of aluminum hydroxide in wastewater treatment. It should be noted that the proposed technology has a number of features, in particular, during the activation of the reagent solution is the imposition of a magnetic field, resulting in a change in the structure of the solution and the formation of additional coagulation centers. Compared to other well-known technologies that have the stage of reagent purification, this will intensify the coagulation process and reduce the estimated dose of coagulant by 25–30%, without deterioration the quality of purification.
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