



short cylindrical tank, hydrostatic loading, method of successive approximations, complete wall clamping in the bottom, elastic wall clamping in the bottom


The article presents the application of the calculation method of short reinforced concrete cylindrical tanks as shells of rotation, which work under the action of hydrostatic or uniform load taking into account the edge effect, based on the method of successive approximations. It is proved that the proposed method of successive approximations, used in the calculation of continuous beams and frames, simplifies the calculation of short reinforced concrete cylindrical tanks significantly. General expressions for forces and deformations in a short cylindrical tank as a moment less shell of rotation, from a uniformly distributed load on the upper edge, from a hydrostatic load and from own weights are given. An experimental study of the internal forces arising at the junction of the wall and bottom of the tank during the hinged fixing of the wall and bottom and during rigid fixing, under the action of hydrostatic load and the own weight of the tank are made. The tests were performed both with and without the outer annular steel reinforcement. The possibility of applying the method of successive approximations to the calculation of short cylindrical tanks is analyzed. It is checked whether it is expedient to use this method when solving the problem of stress state of short tanks, by comparing theoretical and experimental results. The limits of use of the method to calculate short cylindrical reinforced concrete tanks are became.


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How to Cite

Ємел’янова, Т., & Лобанова, Т. (2021). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF STRESS STATE PARAMETERS OF SHORT CYLINDRICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE TANK. Таuridа Scientific Herald. Series: Technical Sciences, (1), 42-52. https://doi.org/10.32851/tnv-tech.2021.1.7

